24dB/36dB Ultra Fat High Precision Lowpass Filter
Very phat sounding, high precision Lowpass filter with endless possibilities. It's sonic charastics range wide from very sweet pure sounds to ultra deep phat or fm-like tonal digital qualities or even total chaotic, distorted and weird sounds you never heard from an analog filter. Shape your own sonic characteristic!
The first Klangfeld module in Moog 5U size is finished and ready for ordering! A high end transistor ladder with switchable 24dB/36dB Lowpass response, switchable gain-drop compensation of the resonance, voltage controlled resonance, special distortion features, linear filter fm and many more...
For purchasing and further information feel free to drop a message
You want to know how it sounds? No problem here are a few audio demos in ogg vorbis.
Audio demonstration of Filterfett

Filterfett Power Supply:
- +15V @ max. 285mA
- -15V @ max. 245mA
Filterfett Features:
- State of the art analog design, a perfect blend between discrete transistor circuits and modern electronic
- & MOTM power connectors
- Highend long lasting electronic parts
- Highend audio quality PPS capacitors for the perfect analog sound
- High quality potentiometer and switchcraft jacks
- Perfect temperature stable in every parameter over a wide range
- switchable 24dB/36dB lowpass response
- switchable gain-drop compensation for the resonance
- linear Q-control of the resonance, with a special designed analog nonlinear scaling of the voltage controlled resonance
- musical design for endless different character & sound possibilities, depedent on the audio input levels. Shape your style!
- Ultra low noise design for highend studio quality especially for use with external audio signals
- Linear Filter FM Input for beautiful perfect playable bell-,vocal- & experimental-sounds over the complete tonal range
- Perfect tracking of the CutOff Frequency over 12 Octaves for superb playable formants and sine-leads
- convient extra functions for maximal possibilites:
- three built in mixers for Cutoff, Resonance and Audio In
- prepatched paths:
- Audio Out -> Filter FM In (labeled [Kaputt])
- Audio Out -> Audio In 3 (labeled [Überschall])
- Prepatched functions for saving cables and maximum flexibility:
- Kaputt: Self Fm Modulation for second order harmonics, or chaotic behavior with high resonance settings
- Überschall: Positive audio filter feedback for phat distorted sounds, like the minimoog trick
- Circuit optimized for modulation in the audio frequency range of all voltage controllable parameters
Price 1495€
Published on: Tuesday, June 09 2015 (6285 reads)
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